Emily Smith

Emily (soprano) has been singing since she was a baby. She started learning the flute at the age of nine and began taking voice lessons at age thirteen. In high school she was involved with anything music: band, choir, and musicals where she was the drum major, section leader, and had several lead roles in her theater productions. Emily started studying opera at the age of sixteen where she grew as a singer learning arias in various languages. In college she studied music and participated in wind orchestra, chamber choir and concert choir. She even had the pleasure of touring with her college choir one summer and sang in many countries in Europe. Emily received her degree in Elementary Education with a minor in music at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. When she moved back to the Auburn area, she started teaching and joined Colla Voce in 2009 thrilled to use her voice in a wonderful group. While teaching, she taught private voice, flute, piano lessons and was actively involved with singing in her church's worship team. After living and teaching in the Bay Area for a few years, Emily has happily returned to the Auburn area. She is an elementary school teacher in Roseville and is so happy to be back singing with Colla Voce.