Erich Parks

One of the original group members, I was seeking a hobby to round out my life as a full time doctor of chiropractic, around 1995. My experience in choral groups started with a local barbershop group in Auburn, followed by a few years with the Sierra College Community choir. Our original reason to gather was for several health care workers to “blow off some steam” with weekly choral meetings in our offices.
Singing has been a source of joy and inspiration with Colla Voce, a group with such incredible talent and dedication. Our current director, Janine Dexter, is a fabulous leader, who encompasses the qualities of flexibility, patience, musical knowledge and variety to keep the singing and performing experience at its best. While enjoying singing Tenor for 20 years, I have ‘evolved’ to singing baritone this year, and truly enjoy the change.
I recently began teaching elementary school children music appreciation, as part of Colla Voce’s Music Docent program. Our mission is to use our concert proceeds to bring music programs back to elementary and middle schools. The kids love the program and I am learning much along the way. I applaud Janine Dexter’s vision for this program’s success. My other interests include producing a ‘Health Matters’ TV show for ACTV 20, a local cable station, orchard tending, handyman and foodie! My aspiration is to learn musical arranging, as I often hear music that I think would be fun to perform in another genre.